VOD Hot News Apps

News Wire 2.0.3
VOD Hot News
The free News Wire mobile application servesnews submission from your Android Smartphones in 2 languages. NewsWires connects citizen journalists (CJs) and professionaljournalists together to disseminate information and footage fromcommunity. To do this, News Wire allows more than hundreds ofjournalists in Cambodia to access the the app and platform.The application features:* Easy and simple user interface* App could connect to multiple-web platforms* Allow multiple media files (photo, audio, and video) for a reportsubmission* More productive video compress* Support 2 languages: Khmer and English* Notification alert feature* App allows user log-in in a very secure way* More topics submissionHave questions or feedback on the News Wire app?We are here to help. Please contact us at [email protected]. Be sureto include the device description (example: Samsung S6) andoperating system (example: 5.1) as well as a brief description ofthe issue.